Monday, May 23, 2011

Last blog of the school year!

Well now it is the end of the year and it has came very very fast! Now I'm going to be a senior and for this year my most favorite thing that we did was watch movies because I have never seen The lord Of The Rings trilogy! It was really good watching them but then when we had to do the comparison thing i didn't like that at all because it took forever to do! Plus presenting them was pretty fun but it was getting old about talking and hearing the same thing from every one! But over all I will miss this class a lot because it was very interesting to learn about new tools that i never even knew about!! Plus Ms. Collins is retiring this year so who ever has this class next year won't be able to have the fun and exciting experience that we had!

Monday, April 4, 2011

 In our media communications class we all had to choose a different subject to talk about and to start it off Reeces blog was over learning. In his presentation we learned that most kids that do online gaming want to teach other people what they know about the game. Plus we learned that in school they teach you to do it by yourself and not with others because that would be cheating but kids these days are teaming together on online gaming and they are working together. A lot of kids are learning how to mod there gamer tag or avatar on online games.
Next was Jordon and she did hers over virtual worlds and we learned that if soldiers have post dramatic war then they go to this therapy and they have to put on these goggles that will put them in a virtual world. Plus when one soldier came back it took his a hour to go get toilet paper because he thought that someone was going to come out from a street corner and get him. In the virtual world people can do whatever they want to do.
Next was Raquel and she did hers over relationships and this girl kept on posting bad pictures of herself on this website just so that she can get attention from other people. Plus this little kid kills himself because all of the kids at school were bullying him and then finally when he got home he got bullied online too. Plus we found out that "The virtual world mirrors the real world".
Next is Vincent and he did his over living faster we learned that some kids think that the internet is there life and they can never be away from it. Plus we learned that we have technology everywhere we go like bed, shower, ect... Last thing we learned was that there was a kid that had to have the internet or some type of a way to reach out into the world or he would go crazy!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

epic success

For quite awhile we have been talking and reviewing over epic traits and epic movies. The first person up for there powerpoint was Reece. He did his over Matrix and he showed a awesome scene were Neo and Morpheas fought against eachother. It was awesome because Neo learned how to do Kong Fu and a whole bunch of fighting styles in seconds. They learned how to do the Kong Fu in a simulation of the matrix. The picture below is when Neo stops a bunch of bullets that are about to kill him.
  The second one that we watched was Raquel and she did hers over 300. The weirdest thing about that whole movie was the king who had all of the piercing and i think his name was Xerxes. Another awesome thing about 300 is that all of the Spartans all are really buff and have six packs just like shown in this picture. Something that was very epic about this movie was that 300 Spartans took on 20 times more guys then they had and still won!
Another  Next was Vincent and he did his over Braveheart. In this I saw one of the worst execution in the whole world. A epic trait in this movie was that all of the people who fought with Braveheart were all poor and weak but some how they managed to win through battles because they would do anything for there freedom.
Next was Jordan she did hers over Pirates Of The Caribeen. I thought that it was really cool that there was a character parallel between Legolas and Will. Something that was pretty epic in this movie was the flying Dutchman because it is way faster than all of the other ships because it is supernatural. Another thing is that Will fights for Elizabeth because he fights for what he loves.
  The main thing that i have learned about this whole epic hero is that you don't have to have supernatural forces just to be a hero. You can be just some person that nobody knows.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Slings and Arrows

Today we go to watch a movie called Slings and Arrows inside Ms. Collins class. The movie was very exciting and was full of drama. In this movie they were trying to have a play over Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth. They did a awesome job on acting out both of them because they actually got into the plays and acted them how they should be. Geoffrey was the main director of Macbeth and he did a great job on it. Plus Geoffrey likes to talk to a ghost the whole time through the movie named Oliver.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I love them because they get us out of class. The one thing that i do not like about them is that they get us out of basketball practice and that is not a good thing. I like snow but i just wish that it was not freezing and make it to were i could walk outside in shorts.