Monday, December 20, 2010

Lord Of The Rings Epic Analysis

 " “Even the smallest people can change the future” this quote was said by Gandalf in the movie Lord Of The Rings Fellowship Of The Rings and Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers both directed by Peter Jackson. The three epic characteristics is epic heroes, supernatural forces, and setting. I have learned a lot about film analysis and epic characteristics in both of these movies. I have learned a lot about Hobbits who live in the shire, the Elves who can live forever because they have immortality, and Wizards like Gandalf who is very strong and powerful. There are many different movies that are very good epics like Beowulf, Spartacus, Troy. Those are just some of the thousands or even millions of good epic movies. The most important thing that I have learned about epic films is that they always have to have a hero that has a guide to take him everywhere.

            Frodo is the ring bearer throughout both of the movies. He is the epic hero because he has to resist the pull of the ring and he has to go destroy it. Frodo has ideal traits because he is faithful and plus he is very truthful. He is very important throughout the whole movie because he is the only one that can’t be sucked in by the rings power and turn evil like most of the other characters in this epic film. He shows a lot of valor because he has to keep the ring and in every battle that they get in he has to run away and try not to be found by any evil and dark forces like the Dark Riders or the Orcs. He is supported by a lot of people but the main person that supports him the whole way would be Sam because Sam would walk through fire just to save Frodo. In the Two Towers Frodo, Sam, and Smeagul had to show a lot of valor when they were in the swamp and the Nazgrul was flying over the top of them and they had to hide.
            There are many different supernatural element in these movies. In the first movie the ring was the very first supernatural element that we got to see. The ring has a lot of power because it is nothing but pure evil and and it can make you invisible. Plus the ring will always be used as a weapon against good. The Mithril that he gets from Bilbo is supernatural too because it is as tough as steel but is as light as a feather. In the second movie The Two Towers Frodo gets the light of Ealrendil that will light up even in the darkest places in the whole world. Frodo got the light from the queen and Sam got the Elven rope that could untie itself from anything. Legolas got a bow that is magical.
            The setting is very vast in scope because it covers a lot of geographical area. The Shire is very nice and peaceful and is the ideal place to live in both of the movies because nothing bad ever happens there. All of the hobbits live in the shire and they eat all the time. I would have to say that the best shot that we got of the Shire was when Bilbo was looking down at the party after he did his disappearing trick that he did for his 111 birthday. The second place is Rivendale and that is were a lot of elves live and it is a very beautiful place to live. It reminds me of the Shire because it is really peaceful. This place is kind of supernatural because all of the elves can live forever and that is something that is very cool. The best shot of this place is when it is a long shot and it shows the whole place with the waterfall. Mordor is the last place and this place is not peaceful at all. This is were all of the evil is like the Orcs, Nazgrul’s, and Sauron. This is the place that everybody fears of because everybody knows that Mordor is building a army to try and rule the whole middle earth. The best shot that we got of this place was when Frodo, Sam, and Smeagul were up on top of the hill looking down on the big black gate that blocked them from going in.