Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I love them because they get us out of class. The one thing that i do not like about them is that they get us out of basketball practice and that is not a good thing. I like snow but i just wish that it was not freezing and make it to were i could walk outside in shorts.

Friday, January 14, 2011

The epic movie to compare to Lord Of The Rings

I am going to choose Spartacus to compare to the lord of the rings

courage in lord of the rings

  In all three of the wonderful lord of the rings trilogy there is a lot of courage shown in them. First thing that I saw was when they were at the council meeting and Frodo stands up and says hey I will be the one who carries the ring to Mordor. Plus there was courage when Mary and Pipin made all of the Orcs follow them so that they couldn't get to Frodo. Courage is important in my life because I do a lot of sports and I have to have a lot of courage in games because there is always a risk of getting hurt and plus you have to win even when you are the underdog and you know it. Everybody has to show courage in there life because everybody has at least one person they don't get along with and they will have to stand up against them even knowing that they could beat you. Courage is a very big important roll in everyday life because everyday that we go out there is always a risk and we have to face it everyday and all day.