Tuesday, November 23, 2010

characters in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

Well in this book there are alot of characters, so im just going to name off a few of them and tell you there conflicts.
  1. Atticus- He has alot of problems through out the whole book. Like he has to take care of all of the kids by his self,  plus he has to defend a black male in a trial and he is forced to do it. But he never turns down anything so he will defend him the best he can.
  2. Scout- She is always having to deal with Jem and Dill. Plus she has to deal with her Aunt Alexanderia because she is trying to reform Scout into a new girl. But i dont think Scout is going to let that happen.
  3. Jem- At the begining of the book he was like a little kid and was always up for dares and would go and play all day with Dill and Scout. But he changes alot just in the begining and thinks that he needs to grow up really fast. Like he starts to tell his Atticus the truth about things and like even when Dill ran away. 
  4. Dill- He is a wild little thing. He is always out for a adventure because he only gets to spend the summer in Maycomb.
  5. Boo Radley- All of the kids think that he is crazy. Because he never comes outside and he always stays inside.

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