Monday, December 20, 2010

Lord Of The Rings Epic Analysis

 " “Even the smallest people can change the future” this quote was said by Gandalf in the movie Lord Of The Rings Fellowship Of The Rings and Lord Of The Rings The Two Towers both directed by Peter Jackson. The three epic characteristics is epic heroes, supernatural forces, and setting. I have learned a lot about film analysis and epic characteristics in both of these movies. I have learned a lot about Hobbits who live in the shire, the Elves who can live forever because they have immortality, and Wizards like Gandalf who is very strong and powerful. There are many different movies that are very good epics like Beowulf, Spartacus, Troy. Those are just some of the thousands or even millions of good epic movies. The most important thing that I have learned about epic films is that they always have to have a hero that has a guide to take him everywhere.

            Frodo is the ring bearer throughout both of the movies. He is the epic hero because he has to resist the pull of the ring and he has to go destroy it. Frodo has ideal traits because he is faithful and plus he is very truthful. He is very important throughout the whole movie because he is the only one that can’t be sucked in by the rings power and turn evil like most of the other characters in this epic film. He shows a lot of valor because he has to keep the ring and in every battle that they get in he has to run away and try not to be found by any evil and dark forces like the Dark Riders or the Orcs. He is supported by a lot of people but the main person that supports him the whole way would be Sam because Sam would walk through fire just to save Frodo. In the Two Towers Frodo, Sam, and Smeagul had to show a lot of valor when they were in the swamp and the Nazgrul was flying over the top of them and they had to hide.
            There are many different supernatural element in these movies. In the first movie the ring was the very first supernatural element that we got to see. The ring has a lot of power because it is nothing but pure evil and and it can make you invisible. Plus the ring will always be used as a weapon against good. The Mithril that he gets from Bilbo is supernatural too because it is as tough as steel but is as light as a feather. In the second movie The Two Towers Frodo gets the light of Ealrendil that will light up even in the darkest places in the whole world. Frodo got the light from the queen and Sam got the Elven rope that could untie itself from anything. Legolas got a bow that is magical.
            The setting is very vast in scope because it covers a lot of geographical area. The Shire is very nice and peaceful and is the ideal place to live in both of the movies because nothing bad ever happens there. All of the hobbits live in the shire and they eat all the time. I would have to say that the best shot that we got of the Shire was when Bilbo was looking down at the party after he did his disappearing trick that he did for his 111 birthday. The second place is Rivendale and that is were a lot of elves live and it is a very beautiful place to live. It reminds me of the Shire because it is really peaceful. This place is kind of supernatural because all of the elves can live forever and that is something that is very cool. The best shot of this place is when it is a long shot and it shows the whole place with the waterfall. Mordor is the last place and this place is not peaceful at all. This is were all of the evil is like the Orcs, Nazgrul’s, and Sauron. This is the place that everybody fears of because everybody knows that Mordor is building a army to try and rule the whole middle earth. The best shot that we got of this place was when Frodo, Sam, and Smeagul were up on top of the hill looking down on the big black gate that blocked them from going in.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

characters in "To Kill A Mockingbird"

Well in this book there are alot of characters, so im just going to name off a few of them and tell you there conflicts.
  1. Atticus- He has alot of problems through out the whole book. Like he has to take care of all of the kids by his self,  plus he has to defend a black male in a trial and he is forced to do it. But he never turns down anything so he will defend him the best he can.
  2. Scout- She is always having to deal with Jem and Dill. Plus she has to deal with her Aunt Alexanderia because she is trying to reform Scout into a new girl. But i dont think Scout is going to let that happen.
  3. Jem- At the begining of the book he was like a little kid and was always up for dares and would go and play all day with Dill and Scout. But he changes alot just in the begining and thinks that he needs to grow up really fast. Like he starts to tell his Atticus the truth about things and like even when Dill ran away. 
  4. Dill- He is a wild little thing. He is always out for a adventure because he only gets to spend the summer in Maycomb.
  5. Boo Radley- All of the kids think that he is crazy. Because he never comes outside and he always stays inside.

Friday, November 12, 2010



Braden's Rim

This is the football field on a quiet fall morning after football season ended.  It's a long shot.  I used the fading edges feature (vingette) and I enhanced the color.

This is a close up of Braden's rims. I used the sepia effect.  I like how the soft edges effect makes it look like the tire is moving.  The contrast of the bright chrome and the black pieces

 This is a longshot. In this picture i used antique and plus i used matte. This picture looks very peaceful.

This is a picture of my friends grave stone. This picture is showing framing. In this i blurred the edges and i used antique.

This picture is a high angle shot and plus a over the shoulder shot. A high angle shows that the people below have no power. A over the shoulder shot and that shows what another person is seeing.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Red Balloon

This is a example of a close up. This is showing that he is trying to tell the balloon to stay there. Plus it is showing that he is like the boss of the balloon. The next type of shot is a medium shot. A medium shot is like when the little kid and the adults were waiting for the bus to come and pick them up. A long shot is a shot that shows the whole background and plus the whole body of the character. In this movie it shows a long shot when the little boy running through the middle of that field with the church in the background. A high angle shot is a shot that shows that the character has no power and has no chance. In the movie it shows a high angle shot when the other little kids were trying to get the balloon but the balloon flew up into the air into a window. A low angle shot is that it shows that you are very strong and mighty. It shows a low angle shot when the balloon fly's way up into the air because nobody can touch it or even reach the balloon. Now i would like to talk about framing. Framing is like when the little kid and the balloon are standing in the window with the balloon and the whole outside of it was very dull like grey and then the balloon was bright red. So it made your eyes jump straight towards the balloon and focus on it only.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today we found out how to use adacity. Plus we learned how to use photo booth, but that was really easy. We always have fun in this class. Its actually the only class that we can have fun in. Plus we learned how to keep our podcast skills alive while doing this whole thing.

Friday, October 1, 2010

suicide illustrates internet dangers!!!!!

On September 19th at Rutgers University, in New Brunswick, NJ. A kid named Tyler Clementi was taped on webcam by his room mate Dharan Ravi. The reason why Ravi did this was because Tyler asked for the room till midnight, So Ravi thought it was going to be funny to video tape him. I think that this is the worst thing that you can do to someone!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Round Table did you know?

Another crazy fact is that, if you are 1 in a million in China. 1,300 people look exactly like you. Now that is crazy, that right there just lets you know that there are a lot of people in China. There is like trillions of people in China. Only a couple of people in class even caught it when it showed up in the video. My teacher Mrs. Collins didn't even catch it. It was the very first thing that popped up in the video.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Weekend baby!!!

Well this weekend went by fantastic. I dont think that it could have got better at all. I went out on the boat all day Saturday and then that night. I went to the demolition derby in Mclouth and i watched someone get stabbed in the back. It was so crazy!

Friday, August 27, 2010

first week of school

Well this week has been really good. My favorite thing about this whole week was football, it is like my life. This year I have been working on trying to keep B's in every class, but it is going to be a very good challenge for me. I still have not got into trouble and I don't plan on getting in trouble this whole year. One of the weirdest things for me out of this week was meeting the new kids. I can just remember when I was a new student here I didn't like it at all. This should be a really good year!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Amazing Facts

Version:1.0 StartHTML: 
The three top things that really caught my eye in this video called "Did You Know". 
Top ten jobs that need help didn’t exist in 2004
 Today, the number of text messages sent and received everyday, exceeds the total population of the planet.
694,000 songs were downloaded illegally.
I just can't believe how many texts we send. Now that I actually think about it, I could actually believe it a little bit. 

Amazing Facts

I did this and Mrs. Collins erased it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

weekend blog

This weekend was a lot of fun. On Friday night I went out on the lake for awhile and went tubing, wakeboarding, and skiing. Saturday I helped my buddy get his race car going; he races dirt track cars. I can't really believe it, but he lets me help him out on his car. That night he was in the lead, but then 5j spun him out, and they made him go all the way to the back of the line. Then on Sunday my family and I went out on the boat all day and had so much fun, but I got really sore from going all day!

Friday, August 20, 2010


i want to find out how to do this whole blog thing because i dont really know what to do. Unless it is like facebook then i would know what i am doing. Another thing i want to learn is how to use all of these tools.